ACH Child and Family Services is not affiliated with any specific religious denomination and is not funded as part of the budget of any religious organization. ACH has been nourished by its roots in the Christian faith and believes that faith relationships and faith communities can be a vital source of support for children and families. Spiritual support is provided on a voluntary basis in some of our programs.
The name comes from the work of many Fort Worth churches to combine efforts and create needed services for women and children. ACH was founded in 1915 as the Church Women’s Cooperative Home by a group of women from churches of several denominations in the Fort Worth area to help destitute women and children. In the 1930s, a change in services to caring for orphaned and abandoned children led to the name of All Church Home for Children. In 2010, the organization, with input and approval from the collective efforts of its Board of Directors, key stakeholders and agency friends, as well as agency leadership and staff, felt it was time to rebrand and rename. The new brand is designed to better convey the “who” and “what” ACH does as an organization today.
ACH Child and Family Services offers several services to help children, youth, and families overcome life’s challenges.
Crisis Intervention
Foster Care and Adoption
Family Services
Residential Services
ACH uses a solution-focused, competency-based care approach to working with clients. All ACH services are child-centered and family-focused to best address the needs of children while closely involving families. ACH partners with clients to provide the right services and levels of assistance that will help them overcome life’s challenges and achieve their goals.
Life’s challenges can take on many forms: death, divorce, physical illness, mental illness, addiction, homelessness, economic uncertainty, job loss, poverty, family conflict, street violence, sexual or physical abuse, teen pregnancy, gang involvement, runaway, truancy, and/or juvenile offenses.
Any child, youth or family struggling with life’s challenges. If you need help or know someone who does, don’t worry about which program they will fit into, just call us. ACH intake counselors will do their best to help you find resources even if ACH programs are not a good fit. And within the parameters allowed under each permit or contract, ACH Child and Family Services does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, economic or military status in the provision of ACH services.
This varies based on the specific program, but most of ACH’s services are available to anyone regardless of where they live.
Just call us at 817.335.HOPE (4673) or 1.888.296.8099. You can also email us at [email protected].
Don’t worry about which program they will fit into, just call us. Our intake counselors assess your needs and connect you with the appropriate program. If ACH Child and Family Services is unable to help you, our intake counselors can help you locate other resources in the community.
ACH doesn’t charge clients for almost all of its programs. For the few programs with a small charge, no one is ever denied services because of inability to pay.
Anyone can make referrals to ACH.
© 2009 - 2022 ACH Child and Family Services
Not an emergency services phone number. Call 911 for medical emergencies.
In Texas: 1.800.252.5400
Nationwide: 1.800.4.A.CHILD
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