Lend a Hand

Lend a Hand is aimed at bringing awareness and advocacy for abused and neglected children.
As Presenting Sponsor, Reliant asks everyone to advocate for our community’s most vulnerable population—its children.

Child Abuse Prevention

Doing Things Differently: Believing in Communities

That’s the them of  National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. This year, our annual Lend a Hand luncheon will not only help to raise awareness and inspire advocacy for abused and neglected children, it will shed light on a better way to help children in crisis.

Special Guests

Mattie Parker

Fort Worth Mayor

Wayne Carson, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer
ACH Child and Family Services

ACH strongly promotes the philosophy and practice that when children cannot be with their parents safely, the next best option is a relative such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, or even a close friend who had a relationship with the family.

When children are placed with kinship caregivers, they:

  • experience reduced levels of trauma associated with the removal,
  • demonstrate improved mental health outcomes and fewer behavioral problems,
  • are able to stay in their community and be connected to their culture and identity, and
  • have fewer placement disruptions and higher rates of permanency.

The Kinship Navigator Program is one of ACH’s child abuse prevention programs and supports Kinship Care families through resource navigation, basic needs support, peer support and strength-based case management.

Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker and ACH CEO Dr. Wayne Carson, will present the state of child welfare in Fort Worth and moderate a panel discussion. Kinship caregivers and experts will share how they are working together to meet the needs of our community’s children and keeping them out of the child welfare system and safe from abuse and neglect.

Supporters can commit to learning more and taking action. Have a Heart and Lend a Hand to help us bring awareness to this important cause.

Presenting Sponsor

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

2024 Lend a Hand Photos

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