Episode 3: Building a Family

Meet the Sidwells.

Brian and Yesenia Sidwell always wanted a big family, but they felt uncertain foster care and adoption was the right path for them. Everything changed on Mother’s Day, when ACH came to their church and gave them the information they needed to commit to the journey of adoption.

The Sidwell family then completed a series of parental classes at ACH needed to gain the necessary skills to respond to the special needs of children coming from foster care. That training was critical in understanding why their son, Eli, found it very destabilizing to be left alone in a room. Or why preparing their son, Nico, for transitions was a proactive step in keeping the peace at home. Whenever a crisis hit, Brian and Yesenia knew they could always reach out to their ACH case manager for help and guidance.

Despite the challenges faced along the journey, Brian and Yesenia are grateful for the joy their sons have brought into their lives. Now every year, the Sidwell family celebrate the day their boys became a part of their family.

Episode 3 Building a Family Counting On Us Podcast

"I hope they grow up to learn how much of an impact they had on our lives."

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