Episode 6: New World, New Perspective

Meet Julie.

Julie grew up living life in survival mode, there were no doctor appointments, no birthday parties, and food was scarce. As much as her mother wanted to provide for her children, she couldn’t. So when Julie was just shy of 5 years old, her mother brought her and her brother into the residential programs of ACH Child and Family Services

As soon as Julie arrived her world got so much bigger. The relationships she formed at ACH taught her how to trust in people again. Eventually, she got to move past the fear of survival and towards a life of empowerment. This new found confidence was the foundation needed for her to reach independence.

Today, Julie has stopped the cycle of poverty in her family by creating stability for herself. She’s a loving mother, has her own home; and for the last 16 years, she has been a leader in her role as hospitality and events manager here at ACH.

Episode 6 New Perspective, New World Counting On Us Podcast

"I look back and I’m just grateful we had a place like ACH."

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