Support Groups

  • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
    Support groups (both virtual and in person) all over the state of Texas for all kinship caregivers, not just grandparents.
  •  GAP (Grandparents as Parents) Support Group
    A support group for Grandparents As Parents. Raising Our Children’s Children.
  • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Facebook Support Group
    A support group of Grandparents who are raising Grandchildren for any unforeseen reason. Their commitment is to empower other grandparents. A support group to inform grandparents of legal, financial and health resources.
  • Grand Grands Facebook Support Group
    A place for grandparents that are raising their grandchildren. A place to talk – for support, challenges and other things.
  •  Grandparents With Grandkids Facebook Support Group
    Grandparents with grandchildren is all about support for grandparents who have for whatever reason become parents again. You are not alone!
  • Kinship Care and Kinship Adoption Facebook Support Group
    This group is for people who are struggling to navigate the unique and often difficult relationships that result from this particular type of placement
  • Kinship Parenting Facebook Support Group
    Here to offer people help with raising children when the parents are unable to! Empathetic ears are there to help you!
  • North Texas FASD Network Facebook
    North Texas FASD Network provides support and resources for parents and caregivers with a loved one affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Our organization also provides trainings for educators, mental health, medical and justice system professionals.
  • Pathway Church
    The Foster Care Ministry, in Burleson, serves foster/kinship families by providing needs and support for foster children and their caregivers. They have a small group for foster and adopt families that meets two times each month to support one another with free childcare. They have an annual Christmas gift drive for foster children, and offer respite evenings for foster parents and a fun-filled time for the children throughout the year. They also host informational gatherings about becoming a foster/adoptive family. Reach out to [email protected] for questions

Get Immediate Help

Call 817.335.HOPE (4673)



Answered 24 hours a day

Not an emergency services phone number. Call 911 for medical emergencies.


In Texas: 1.800.252.5400
Nationwide: 1.800.4.A.CHILD

Under $25,000

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