Lend a Hand Virtual Event Supports National Child Abuse Prevention Month

ACH raises awareness of child abuse and neglect in Tarrant County


FORT WORTH, Texas (March 25, 2021) – During Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, ACH joins other organizations in calling attention to the trauma and long-term impact of child abuse and neglect. Tarrant County has the fourth-highest number of confirmed child abuse and neglect victims of any county in Texas and ACH is committed to bringing about needed change.

To promote awareness of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, ACH is holding a virtual event from 12—1 p.m. on Thursday, April 8. This year’s 11th annual “Lend a Hand” event features a conversation between Tia Magee, Program Manager for ACH’s Pat O’Neal Youth Emergency Shelter program and her son, former NFL linebacker and Boston Red Sox outfielder, Brandon Magee. Their story is a fascinating one, currently being made into a Netflix movie, “Redd Zone,” starring Jada Pinkett-Smith in the role of Tia Magee. Brandon is the Executive Producer and will talk with Tia about what inspired the movie being made and how Tia’s personal mission aligns with ACH’s mission and the work she does today to help children in our community.

Lend a Hand was founded with the idea that organizations dedicated to preventing and treating child abuse and neglect needed an outlet from which to provide information, discuss collaborative ideas and share various ways of communicating the key statistics to the public at large. ACH believes that attacking this issue on a grass-roots level will lead to greater success in getting the public engaged in an issue that truly affects everyone.

To register to attend and learn more about ACH Child and Family Services’ important efforts to battle child abuse and neglect, visit https://achservices.org/lend-a-hand/.

Sponsors for the Lend a Hand event include Modo Networks, The Christenberry Group, Deutser Consultants + Creators, QuikTrip, and Kelly & Robert Keller.


About ACH

With more than a century of experience, ACH Child and Family Services, a Fort Worth-based nonprofit agency, brings needed resources and skills to children and families struggling with life’s challenges. Some of our 17 programs and services keep children and families together while others provide a healing home for children who can’t live with their families. Through the “Our Community Our Kids” division, ACH is leading the way in Community-Based Care in seven counties of the Texas foster care system. ACH has been accredited every year since 2003 by the Council on Accreditation and in 2018 Our Community Our Kids became nationally accredited. Our vision is for families to thrive and children to experience safety, hope and love. Learn more at achservices.org.

817.335.HOPE (4673)  |  ACHservices.org

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